Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Good Morning!
Lets keep it moving with some low impact cardiovascular exercises such as walking, bicycling, or swimming.  These exercises allow you to enjoy the benefits of cardiovascular exercise without undue stress on your joints and tendons.   Work your core (abdominal and back muscles) with push-ups and planks.  To begin, get on your hands and knees, place your forearms flat on the mat and be sure that your elbows are directly below your shoulder.  It is Important to make sure that your head stays in alignment with your body and tighten your abdominal muscles.  Beginners may have their knees bent, more advanced will have their legs lengthened out.  Beginners start with 10 seconds and work your way to 1 minute.  For the more advanced you can increase the intensity by lifting one leg or arm while in the plank position.  Also, massage therapy reduces muscle tightness, increases flexibility and range of motion, as well as promotes relaxation and overall balance in the body.  Remember to hydrate!!! The body requires 50% of your body weight in ounces for your body to be fully hydrated.  Keep it moving.

Monday, August 30, 2010



Good Morning and Welcome to the Revival Room!
Movement heals a body so get moving!
Start you day off simple with 10 of each jumping jacks, squats, and lunges.  For beginners, no weight is needed, just be sure that when you are completing the squat that your knees do not extend over your toes!! Very important to keep you butt back and align your knees over your ankles.  The same rules apply when you are doing lunges, be sure that your knee does not extend over your toes.  As an alternative to the standard jumping jacks, instead of bringing your legs out to the sides you can extend them forward and back.  Remember to hydrate as dehydration can be responsible for headaches, fatigue, and muscle aches.
Also, if your feeling stressed a massage is a good way to alleviate tension in the body, increase blood circulation, and a decrease in blood pressure.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to The Revival Room!!!

Christine Muller
Revival Room

Hi, my name is Christine and my passion is to help others live healthier lives through positive touch and exercise. I realized how important it is to be kind to yourself and your body after two very traumatic events changed my life forever. As a part of my healing process I began eating healthier, exercising, and getting massage therapy on a regular basis. Finally, after so much pain and suffering, I found peace. I knew that I wanted to help people feel better about themselves and their bodies, so I enrolled in massage therapy school and began working as a personal trainer.

I graduated from Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy in Westport, Connecticut with a focus in clinical therapeutic massage. I specialize in the assessment and treatment of soft tissue injuries, chronic pain, and those wishing to promote balance and harmony within their body. I use a blend of bodywork techniques including Deep Muscular Therapy, Swedish massage, and Sports massage. In addition, I am an IM=X Certified Pilates Instructor. IM=X is an integrated movement xercize that develops long lean muscles, improves posture, increases metabolism, and adds flexibility to the spine.

I am a health care professional who is committed to assiting my clients with life style changes through nutrition, exercise, and body awareness.