Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You need these vitamins! read on...

Vitamins for your health!

1.  Vitamin C
Vitamin C is crucial for a healthy immune system and it is responsible for warding off cellular damage and is vital for the production of collagen.  You can consume vitamin c by adding kiwi, strawberries, orange juice, broccoli, and raw sweet peppers to your diet.  Tip: for breakfast make a nice smoothy with strawberries and orange juice, just add ice and a scoop of vanilla whey protein and you have a delicious and nutritious shake.

2.  Vitamin A
Like vitamin c, vitamin a aids in a healthy immune system.  It is also responsible for normal vision and tissue growth.  Food that are high in vitamin a are carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, and broccoli, so be sure to include them in your diet. Suggestion: In place of mashed potatoes for dinner substitute sweet potatoes and serve a spinach salad with carrots and broccoli.

3.  Vitamin E
Vitamin E not only promotes heart and respiratory health it supports circulation, prostate, and breast health. It is also a combats cell damage caused by free radicals.  Vitamin E can be found in sunflower seeds, almonds, nut butter, mustard greens, chard, olives, and spinach.  Suggestion add almonds and olives to a spinach salad for lunch or enjoy a piece of whole grain bread with nut butter as a snack.

Always be sure to hydrate!!  To be well hydrated you should consume half of your body weight in ounces!!  Also include at least 30 minutes a day of movement to your routine!

Sunday, November 21, 2010



1. Calcium
  Calcium is responsible for maintaing a normal heart rhythm and blood clotting while promoting normal muscle functioning, and strong bone health.  Foods that are high in calcium are almonds, milk, yogurt, cheeses, and soy beverages.

2.  Magnesium
  Magnesium not only normalizes muscle, nerve, and heart function, but it also promotes peak immunity and contributes to bone strength.  Foods that are high in magnesium include almonds, pumpkin seeds, and black beans.

3.  Potassium
  Potassium promotes strong bones and the production of energy, it is also responsible for normal muscle contraction and fluid balance.  Foods that include potassium are bananas, white beans, spinach, sweet potatoes, and broccoli

4.  Fiber
  Fiber is responsible for maintaining regular bowel movements and promotes weight control as foods that are high in fiber tend to be very filling.  Foods that are high in fiber include whole grains, beans, popcorn, fruits, and vegetables.

Including these 4 nutrients in your diet will lead to stronger bone health and immune system while promoting proper nerve and muscle functioning and a healthy weight.

Again, hydration is equally important, so be sure to include plenty of water in your diet.  Water hydrates your muscles and organs to insure they are functioning most efficiently!

Remember that exercise is also key to a healthy lifestyle.  Movement heals, so keep it moving a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keep off winter pounds!!

Winter is approaching fast and the cold weather tends to keep us indoors and reaching for comforting foods  that may not be waistline friendly.   Think twice before you reach for that cream soup as it is loaded with calories, salt, and fat!!!  Begin making your own soup with lots of fresh vegetables and do not add any extra salt as the soup base generally has plenty of salt in it.  Remember to hydrate! Most people tend to drink less water in the winter months and it is important to maintain your water consumption as a hydrated body performs more efficiently then a dehydrated body!!  Also, if you are not a skier, snowboarder, ice skater or hockey player you may want to consider joining a gym as movement will help combat those holidays pounds that are just around the corner!

Easy Lemon Split Pea Soup
Vegetable stock cubes 3 for 6-8 cups of water
1/2 package carrots
1/2 stock of celery
1/2 med onion
3 garlic cloves
1 lemon pierce and squeeze juice into soup mix
dried split peas
pepper to taste
Include all the above and cook until peas are done.  Delicious, hearty, and healthy! Also, substitute Lentils for split peas and have a wonderful Lentil Soup!
Hydrate and Keep it moving!!!