Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keep off winter pounds!!

Winter is approaching fast and the cold weather tends to keep us indoors and reaching for comforting foods  that may not be waistline friendly.   Think twice before you reach for that cream soup as it is loaded with calories, salt, and fat!!!  Begin making your own soup with lots of fresh vegetables and do not add any extra salt as the soup base generally has plenty of salt in it.  Remember to hydrate! Most people tend to drink less water in the winter months and it is important to maintain your water consumption as a hydrated body performs more efficiently then a dehydrated body!!  Also, if you are not a skier, snowboarder, ice skater or hockey player you may want to consider joining a gym as movement will help combat those holidays pounds that are just around the corner!

Easy Lemon Split Pea Soup
Vegetable stock cubes 3 for 6-8 cups of water
1/2 package carrots
1/2 stock of celery
1/2 med onion
3 garlic cloves
1 lemon pierce and squeeze juice into soup mix
dried split peas
pepper to taste
Include all the above and cook until peas are done.  Delicious, hearty, and healthy! Also, substitute Lentils for split peas and have a wonderful Lentil Soup!
Hydrate and Keep it moving!!!

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