Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stressors that effect our health, weight, and family. Read on...


People come in many different shapes and sizes.  It is important to recognize that thin may not always mean healthy and fat may not always mean unhealthy.  People use unhealthy measures such as extreme dieting and exercising in hopes of drastically changing their physique.  The problem in extreme dieting is that its very abusive to the body.  People generally cut their calorie intake so drastically that it forces the body into starvation mode.  Then when the person finally gives in and eats they have the tendency to overeat.  People who employ this type of dieting generally lack energy, so they don't exercise.  Then there is the person that likes to exercise it all out!!  Spending too much time exercising is dangerous for it can lead to physical and emotional problems.  The answer is balance.  Eat when you are hungry.  Stop when you are full.  Listen to your body.  Choose healthy foods, avoid fried and canned foods, pick fresh fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat, and wild fish.  Always hydrate!!
Other things that effect weight.  Financial responsibilities, children, home, relationship, and family all play a part in one's health.  Theses responsibilities take priority in our lives and sometimes over our health.    Health is time and time is priceless.  My suggestion is that you include health into your homes not just yourselves.  Make healthy dinners and educate your children or loved ones on the important of health and movement.  Perhaps, include a game after dinner in which everyone participates like Wii fit.  The crisp air is perfect for walking so take the family for hike on saturday or sunday.  Focus on what your eating not what your missing.  Again, balance is crucial.  Make movement apart of your life.
Foods you should eat: spinach, chick peas, apples, bananas, spring mix, black beans, fish, lean cuts, of red meat, cucumbers, tomatoes, wild rice, whole-grains, mushrooms, and any fresh vegetables or fruit.  Use olive oil instead of butter and no margarine!  Do not add salt to any of your food, if it is salt you crave enjoy something that contains salt like olives or parmesan cheese.  Flavor your foods with fresh garlic, pepper and herbs.
Avoid foods such as those that are deep fried, rather choose baked it will save you on calories and fat.  Stay away from pork and pork products like sausage, bacon, and ham.  Do not eat lunch meats, these are highly processed and contain way too much salt!  An alternative is to buy a roasted chicken and slice.  Stay away from canned products except beans, and always rinse your beans as they are in salt water to preserve.
The key is variety.  Learn to make dishes with healthy ingredients that satisfy your taste buds.  Enjoy eating it gives us life.  Take time to sit and savor your food.  Be thankful.  Be least 30 minutes per day.  You, your family, your life is worth it.

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