Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition in which individuals experience a deep ache throughout their body.  The causes of fibromyalgia are unknown but it is likely that genetics, depression, and emotional or physical trauma could be responsible.  People who have fibromyalgia have an increased sensitivity in the brain causing them to have a lower threshold for pain.   Many people who suffer from fibromyalgia may also have depression, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, post traumatic stress disorder, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, to name a few.  Individuals with fibromyalgia may experience, fatigue, headaches, numbness in hands and feet, interrupted sleep patterns, deep aches, stiffness to the body, as well as, depression, anxiety and memory difficulties.
Those suffering with fibromyalgia are encouraged to eat a healthy diet containing grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean cuts of meat.  It is also recommended that they avoid fried foods,  high calorie foods, refined sugar, and products containing aspartame and MSG as they may trigger symptoms of fibromyalgia.  Other factors that may aggravate the body and trigger symptoms is caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes so it is advised to limit or avoid them.

Sometimes individuals with fibromyalgia avoid exercise for the fear that it will increase their pain.  However, the lack of exercise will make them feel worse in the long run.  It is advised that people with fibromyalgia engage in physical activity as it will help restore muscle balance.  Begin with just 5 minutes of walking, bicycling, or swimming and gradually increase to 30 minutes.   Always warm up your joints before engaging in any physical activity by performing slow circulation motions in both directions.  Remember to stretch as it improves circulation, increases range of motion, and lubricates the joints.  It is also advisable to incorporate a strength training or isometric routine as it decreases pain and helps with depression.  Pilates is an effective way to restore muscle balance in the body as its focus on centering, strengthening, lengthening, and flexibility.

Therapeutic massage is also beneficial for those suffering from fibromyalgia.  Therapeutic massage manually stimulates the body increasing circulation and therefore increasing the delivery of oxygen to the muscles.   Therapeutic massage helps decrease pain and stress and promotes balance in the body.

Be proactive in your health with nutrition, movement, and positive touch!  Remember to hydrate and listen to your body, rest when you need rest.

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