Sunday, December 19, 2010

20 tips for a healthier lifestyle!

  1.     Upon waking drink a full glass of water.  It is important to rehydrate your body after so many hours of sleep.
2.     Eat something within an hour of waking to start your metabolism.
3.     Do not add any additional salt to your food.  Use other spices to add flavor to your meals.
4.     Avoid fried foods and fast foods
5.     Be mindful when using dressings such as ranch, honey mustard, etc.  These are loaded with calories, fat, and salt.  Try a mix of olive oil and lemon and season with pepper and herbs like garlic. If you like honey mustard add Dijon mustard and a bit of honey, it is a much healthier waistline friendly alternative to honey mustard.
6.     Eat small frequent meals to keep your metabolism working most efficiently throughout the day.
7.     Drink half your body weight in ounces.  Know that your kidneys will adjust in just 3 days of consecutive water consumption and you will not be in and out of the bathroom. 
8.     Get moving for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. 
9.     Do a weighted workout or resistance workout 3x per week.
10. I suggest taking a digestive enzyme to help you assimilate the food you take in.
11. Try to start your day with fruit as it keeps your body in the elimination cycle.  Stay away from dried and salted or fruit that has added sugar.
12. Nuts are a great snack, however, they should be RAW.  No salt and no roasted!
13. Stay away from pork products, i.e.: bacon, sausage, and ham.  They are loaded with salt and fat!
14. Stay away from deli meats as they are highly processed and loaded with salt!
15. Stay away from tuna fish and egg salad, as they are high in fat due to the amount of mayo in them.  However, if must have them substitute half the mayo with mustard.  Also, with tuna you can add grapes and walnuts and little mayo and put on a bed of greens.
16. Try to make as many of your meals as you can at home it will save you dollars and inches!
17. Winter is here so avoid cream based soups, as they are loaded with calories and fat.  Instead choose broth- based soups to save on fat and calories.
18. Add veggies to every meal!
19. Pass on holiday coffee drinks, as they are loaded with calories, sugar, and fat!
20. ***Coffee is a diuretic as well as an appetite suppressant. So be sure to eat in the morning before the coffee and drink water before your drink your coffee!

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