Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Simple yoga moves to get you moving in this cold weather!!

Cold weather is here to stay for awhile and a lot of people experience more stiffness during this type of weather.  One way to combat some of this stiffness is to use a tennis ball under your foot first thing in the morning.  Begin, by reaching for your toes.  Make a note as to how far you are able to reach. Then take your tennis ball under a bare foot and rub it vigorously back and forth about 15 times, repeat under other foot.  Then reach again toward your toes and you will be surprised to see that your range of motion has increased.  This happens because the tennis ball release the muscles from your low back down to your achilles tendon.  Simple and effective. Try it.
In addition, add a few simple yoga moves to help loosen your entire body and prepare you for your day.

1. Child pose ~ a gentle stretch for the hips, thighs, and ankles that is very effective in relieving back pain.

2. Downward facing dog ~ effective stretch for the whole body which also helps to relieve back pain.

3. Happy Baby ~ effective for releasing the low back and stretching hamstrings

4. Cobbler's Pose ~ opens the hips and groin

5.  Tree Pose ~ strengthens legs and improves balance
Always remember to hydrate!

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