Saturday, December 4, 2010

Results come from diet and exercise! There is no magic pill!

The Holidays are right around the corner and everyone wants to look good for their holiday parties.  However, it is important to remember that results come from dedication and education.  There are many short cuts to quick weight loss, however, these results are generally short term and very detrimental to your health.  Keep in mind that initially quick results can come from healthy eating not just starvation and fad diets.  It is important to realize that what you put in your mouth is as important as to the portion size you use to fill it.  For example, a larger salad loaded with vegetables topped with a protein would be a better choice then eating a small portion of fettuccine alfredo.
To combat the bulge for the holidays, include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can.  Say no to fried foods, fatty meats like bacon, sausage, and pepperoni.  Instead choose lean meats of red meat, poultry, and fish.  Also, if you are attending a holiday party be sure to eat something healthy before attending, as this will help you to not over indulge in those high calorie treats.  Also, be mindful of dips as they can be loaded with calories and fat.  If you are hosting a holiday party consider serving vegetables with hummus as it is a healthy alternative to creamy dips.
As with many parties, cocktails are usually served so be sure to alternate a water for every drink, even if your drink does not contain alcohol to ensure you stay properly hydrated.
If you decide to indulge in dessert then pass on second helpings and be mindful when choosing where to allocate your calories.  A sliver of pie can satisfy a craving just as much as a bigger piece with a lot less calories.  Enjoy your food, take your time to taste what you are eating.
The changes that you make to prepare for your holiday party can be carried over into your lifestyle to insure a healthy weight loss and over the long term encourage weight maintenance.
Movement is also as important as to what you are putting in your mouth.  Begin by adding just 10 minutes a day to get started.  Find movement in something you love like dancing, or a class at your gym.  Movement heals and will help you reach and maintain your weight goals faster, so get moving!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tips. Any pointers for what kind of cocktails are better than others?
