Monday, December 6, 2010

Save calories and dollars by making your meals at home!

Homemade food = $$$ saved + a happy waistline!

The Holidays are just around the corner, so save inches on your waistline and dollars in your wallet by preparing your own meals.
An egg and cheese on a hard roll from a deli costs about $1.99 and has about 400 calories.
Prepare your breakfast at home and it costs you about .84 cents.  and has about 315 calories, not to mention less fat and salt!
Purchase a rotisserie chicken for about $6.00 and you can have a chicken sandwich for lunch and the rest prepared with a vegetable and rice for dinner.   Eating lunch out these days costs about $10 and for under $10 you can have two meals and more than likely have some left over for perhaps another lunch.  Again, by eating this instead of deli and fast foods you will save on calories, salt, and money!!!
Also, save more calories and dollars by drinking water instead of purchasing a soft drink or beverage.  Your body will thank you for hydrating and your account will thank you for saving!
These changes will benefit you financially and physically.

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