Sunday, December 19, 2010

20 tips for a healthier lifestyle!

  1.     Upon waking drink a full glass of water.  It is important to rehydrate your body after so many hours of sleep.
2.     Eat something within an hour of waking to start your metabolism.
3.     Do not add any additional salt to your food.  Use other spices to add flavor to your meals.
4.     Avoid fried foods and fast foods
5.     Be mindful when using dressings such as ranch, honey mustard, etc.  These are loaded with calories, fat, and salt.  Try a mix of olive oil and lemon and season with pepper and herbs like garlic. If you like honey mustard add Dijon mustard and a bit of honey, it is a much healthier waistline friendly alternative to honey mustard.
6.     Eat small frequent meals to keep your metabolism working most efficiently throughout the day.
7.     Drink half your body weight in ounces.  Know that your kidneys will adjust in just 3 days of consecutive water consumption and you will not be in and out of the bathroom. 
8.     Get moving for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. 
9.     Do a weighted workout or resistance workout 3x per week.
10. I suggest taking a digestive enzyme to help you assimilate the food you take in.
11. Try to start your day with fruit as it keeps your body in the elimination cycle.  Stay away from dried and salted or fruit that has added sugar.
12. Nuts are a great snack, however, they should be RAW.  No salt and no roasted!
13. Stay away from pork products, i.e.: bacon, sausage, and ham.  They are loaded with salt and fat!
14. Stay away from deli meats as they are highly processed and loaded with salt!
15. Stay away from tuna fish and egg salad, as they are high in fat due to the amount of mayo in them.  However, if must have them substitute half the mayo with mustard.  Also, with tuna you can add grapes and walnuts and little mayo and put on a bed of greens.
16. Try to make as many of your meals as you can at home it will save you dollars and inches!
17. Winter is here so avoid cream based soups, as they are loaded with calories and fat.  Instead choose broth- based soups to save on fat and calories.
18. Add veggies to every meal!
19. Pass on holiday coffee drinks, as they are loaded with calories, sugar, and fat!
20. ***Coffee is a diuretic as well as an appetite suppressant. So be sure to eat in the morning before the coffee and drink water before your drink your coffee!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Simple yoga moves to get you moving in this cold weather!!

Cold weather is here to stay for awhile and a lot of people experience more stiffness during this type of weather.  One way to combat some of this stiffness is to use a tennis ball under your foot first thing in the morning.  Begin, by reaching for your toes.  Make a note as to how far you are able to reach. Then take your tennis ball under a bare foot and rub it vigorously back and forth about 15 times, repeat under other foot.  Then reach again toward your toes and you will be surprised to see that your range of motion has increased.  This happens because the tennis ball release the muscles from your low back down to your achilles tendon.  Simple and effective. Try it.
In addition, add a few simple yoga moves to help loosen your entire body and prepare you for your day.

1. Child pose ~ a gentle stretch for the hips, thighs, and ankles that is very effective in relieving back pain.

2. Downward facing dog ~ effective stretch for the whole body which also helps to relieve back pain.

3. Happy Baby ~ effective for releasing the low back and stretching hamstrings

4. Cobbler's Pose ~ opens the hips and groin

5.  Tree Pose ~ strengthens legs and improves balance
Always remember to hydrate!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Save calories and dollars by making your meals at home!

Homemade food = $$$ saved + a happy waistline!

The Holidays are just around the corner, so save inches on your waistline and dollars in your wallet by preparing your own meals.
An egg and cheese on a hard roll from a deli costs about $1.99 and has about 400 calories.
Prepare your breakfast at home and it costs you about .84 cents.  and has about 315 calories, not to mention less fat and salt!
Purchase a rotisserie chicken for about $6.00 and you can have a chicken sandwich for lunch and the rest prepared with a vegetable and rice for dinner.   Eating lunch out these days costs about $10 and for under $10 you can have two meals and more than likely have some left over for perhaps another lunch.  Again, by eating this instead of deli and fast foods you will save on calories, salt, and money!!!
Also, save more calories and dollars by drinking water instead of purchasing a soft drink or beverage.  Your body will thank you for hydrating and your account will thank you for saving!
These changes will benefit you financially and physically.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Results come from diet and exercise! There is no magic pill!

The Holidays are right around the corner and everyone wants to look good for their holiday parties.  However, it is important to remember that results come from dedication and education.  There are many short cuts to quick weight loss, however, these results are generally short term and very detrimental to your health.  Keep in mind that initially quick results can come from healthy eating not just starvation and fad diets.  It is important to realize that what you put in your mouth is as important as to the portion size you use to fill it.  For example, a larger salad loaded with vegetables topped with a protein would be a better choice then eating a small portion of fettuccine alfredo.
To combat the bulge for the holidays, include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can.  Say no to fried foods, fatty meats like bacon, sausage, and pepperoni.  Instead choose lean meats of red meat, poultry, and fish.  Also, if you are attending a holiday party be sure to eat something healthy before attending, as this will help you to not over indulge in those high calorie treats.  Also, be mindful of dips as they can be loaded with calories and fat.  If you are hosting a holiday party consider serving vegetables with hummus as it is a healthy alternative to creamy dips.
As with many parties, cocktails are usually served so be sure to alternate a water for every drink, even if your drink does not contain alcohol to ensure you stay properly hydrated.
If you decide to indulge in dessert then pass on second helpings and be mindful when choosing where to allocate your calories.  A sliver of pie can satisfy a craving just as much as a bigger piece with a lot less calories.  Enjoy your food, take your time to taste what you are eating.
The changes that you make to prepare for your holiday party can be carried over into your lifestyle to insure a healthy weight loss and over the long term encourage weight maintenance.
Movement is also as important as to what you are putting in your mouth.  Begin by adding just 10 minutes a day to get started.  Find movement in something you love like dancing, or a class at your gym.  Movement heals and will help you reach and maintain your weight goals faster, so get moving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You need these vitamins! read on...

Vitamins for your health!

1.  Vitamin C
Vitamin C is crucial for a healthy immune system and it is responsible for warding off cellular damage and is vital for the production of collagen.  You can consume vitamin c by adding kiwi, strawberries, orange juice, broccoli, and raw sweet peppers to your diet.  Tip: for breakfast make a nice smoothy with strawberries and orange juice, just add ice and a scoop of vanilla whey protein and you have a delicious and nutritious shake.

2.  Vitamin A
Like vitamin c, vitamin a aids in a healthy immune system.  It is also responsible for normal vision and tissue growth.  Food that are high in vitamin a are carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, and broccoli, so be sure to include them in your diet. Suggestion: In place of mashed potatoes for dinner substitute sweet potatoes and serve a spinach salad with carrots and broccoli.

3.  Vitamin E
Vitamin E not only promotes heart and respiratory health it supports circulation, prostate, and breast health. It is also a combats cell damage caused by free radicals.  Vitamin E can be found in sunflower seeds, almonds, nut butter, mustard greens, chard, olives, and spinach.  Suggestion add almonds and olives to a spinach salad for lunch or enjoy a piece of whole grain bread with nut butter as a snack.

Always be sure to hydrate!!  To be well hydrated you should consume half of your body weight in ounces!!  Also include at least 30 minutes a day of movement to your routine!

Sunday, November 21, 2010



1. Calcium
  Calcium is responsible for maintaing a normal heart rhythm and blood clotting while promoting normal muscle functioning, and strong bone health.  Foods that are high in calcium are almonds, milk, yogurt, cheeses, and soy beverages.

2.  Magnesium
  Magnesium not only normalizes muscle, nerve, and heart function, but it also promotes peak immunity and contributes to bone strength.  Foods that are high in magnesium include almonds, pumpkin seeds, and black beans.

3.  Potassium
  Potassium promotes strong bones and the production of energy, it is also responsible for normal muscle contraction and fluid balance.  Foods that include potassium are bananas, white beans, spinach, sweet potatoes, and broccoli

4.  Fiber
  Fiber is responsible for maintaining regular bowel movements and promotes weight control as foods that are high in fiber tend to be very filling.  Foods that are high in fiber include whole grains, beans, popcorn, fruits, and vegetables.

Including these 4 nutrients in your diet will lead to stronger bone health and immune system while promoting proper nerve and muscle functioning and a healthy weight.

Again, hydration is equally important, so be sure to include plenty of water in your diet.  Water hydrates your muscles and organs to insure they are functioning most efficiently!

Remember that exercise is also key to a healthy lifestyle.  Movement heals, so keep it moving a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keep off winter pounds!!

Winter is approaching fast and the cold weather tends to keep us indoors and reaching for comforting foods  that may not be waistline friendly.   Think twice before you reach for that cream soup as it is loaded with calories, salt, and fat!!!  Begin making your own soup with lots of fresh vegetables and do not add any extra salt as the soup base generally has plenty of salt in it.  Remember to hydrate! Most people tend to drink less water in the winter months and it is important to maintain your water consumption as a hydrated body performs more efficiently then a dehydrated body!!  Also, if you are not a skier, snowboarder, ice skater or hockey player you may want to consider joining a gym as movement will help combat those holidays pounds that are just around the corner!

Easy Lemon Split Pea Soup
Vegetable stock cubes 3 for 6-8 cups of water
1/2 package carrots
1/2 stock of celery
1/2 med onion
3 garlic cloves
1 lemon pierce and squeeze juice into soup mix
dried split peas
pepper to taste
Include all the above and cook until peas are done.  Delicious, hearty, and healthy! Also, substitute Lentils for split peas and have a wonderful Lentil Soup!
Hydrate and Keep it moving!!!