Tuesday, September 28, 2010


danger ahead women with waist over 35' and men with a waist over 40'
Being overweight leads to many health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, as well as, a higher risk of cancer, sleep apnea, joint problems, and diabetes.  Pay attention to your waist size as well as your weight.  Women with a waist over 35' and men with a waist over 40' have an increased risk in heart disease, cancer,  diabetes, and respiratory conditions.  This size waist is dangerous because people who carry more fat around their abdomen also have higher amounts of fat surrounding vital organs like kidneys, liver, and pancreas.  This fat is known as visceral fat and it is thought to create chronic inflammation and has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.  Begin to tackle the battle of the bulge, by consuming fewer calories, making mindful healthy food choices, adding exercise to your daily routine, getting adequate sleep, and reducing stress.  Begin by adding 30 minutes of exercise a day without fail, eat small frequent healthy meals, sleep 7 to 8 hours a night, and hydrate your body with at least 50% of your body weight in ounces!  Keep it moving!


No equipment needed! Do these exercises anywhere! Remember to hydrate before, during, and after your workout!!

Squat Thrust
1.  SQUAT THRUST-  Stand with your feet together and squat down and place your hands on the floor next to your feet.  Jump your feet backwards into a push-up position, then jump feet back between your hands and stand up.  Repeat 10x.

Mountain Climber
2.  MOUNTAIN CLIMBER-  Start on your hands and knees and get into a sprint position.  Keep hands on the ground and run in place.   Be sure to keep your back straight and your neck in alignment.  Begin running in place for 15-30 seconds and work you way to 1 minute.

Walking Lunge
3. WALKING LUNGE-  Start at one end of the room, go forward on one leg and ben down so that your knee is directly over your toes at a 90 degree angle, push through the heel of your to raise up and switch legs.  Repeat 10x on each leg.

 Note: Massage therapy is effective for decreasing muscle aches and soreness and promotes faster healing time.  Book a massage today!


High blood pressure raises the risk for heart attack, stroke, eye problems, and kidney disease.  Also, when a person has high blood pressure and diabetes it doubles their risk for developing cardiovascular disease.  Weight control, physical activity, and nutrition have a large impact on blood pressure.  Studies show that coffee may combat high blood pressure because it improves blood vessel elasticity.  Things that affect blood vessel elasticity are blood pressure, age, gender, smoking, physical activity, body weight, nutritional habits and diabetes.  When a physician detect high blood pressure they normally prescribed an anti-hypertension medication to help control blood pressure.  However, they are risks and side effects associated with taking these types of medication such as dry cough, lightheadedness, dizziness, rash reduced appetite, increase in blood potassium, and can change the flavor of foods.  Therefore, before medication is an option speak to your doctor about changing your diet and adding exercise as a way to combat blood pressure.  The effects of  a healthy diet and exercise regimen are a decrease in blood pressure, decrease in risk for cardiovascular disease, decrease in stress hormones, increase in energy, weight loss, and an increase in mental focus.  Movement heals, so get moving!!  Begin with a light walk for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.  If you are unable to do 30 minutes in one session, break it up into three 10 minute sessions.  If a busy schedule is the problem, learn to incorporate exercise in your daily routine by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking father away so that you need to walk to your destination, and take the long way to the bathroom.  Even these small changes will have a positive effect on your health.  
take the stairs!

Also, massage therapy is effective in decreasing blood pressure, so book a massage today!  

Monday, September 27, 2010


Massage therapy is not only effective in promoting relaxation but also in combating cancer, improving sleep patterns, digestion, and mood, and promotes faster recovery from injury or surgery.  Massage therapy increases circulation, allowing the body to pump more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, stimulating lymph flow and boosting the immune system.  It also relaxes tight muscles, increases joint mobility and range of motion, and provides relief for back pain and migraine headaches.  Live healthier and happier with massage, you and your body deserve it.


Pilates helps correct posture, develops core strength, promotes flexibility, and increases body awareness.  Pilates is gentle on the body as it does not stress your joints and ligaments.  Pilates is helpful in reducing and preventing neck and back pain by addressing the underlying structural imbalances in the body.  Back and neck health is effected by lack of core support, pelvic instability, muscular imbalances, poor posture, and lack of body awareness.  
Child pose to relieve tension in back.  Kneeling on mat with your butt on your heels, knees hip distance apart, lean forward and drape your body over your thighs with your arms reaching out in front of you breath deep and relax.  Gently rock your hips side to side. 
child pose

Friday, September 17, 2010


When you lose weight without exercise, you lose both muscle and fat.  However, when you gain weight without exercise, you gain only fat.  Yo-Yo dieters that continually gain and lose and gain and lose end up gaining proportionally even more fat because of the muscle loss that takes place every time they lose.  One- time eaters who consume all their calories in one meal, gain more weight than those who divide their calories into several small meals.  This type of eating signals the starvation mode to ignite, making their bodies want to store fat rather than burn it.  When you deprive your body of food, your metabolism slows down and makes your body want to store fat.  Understand when and why you eat.  Appetite really comes in two forms physiological and psychological.  Physiological signals of hunger include an empty feeling in stomach, headache, and feeling faint.  However, psychological signs that ignite hunger can be attributed to mood, senses, and social situations.  It is important to recognize when to eat and why your eating.  Eat to fuel and satisfy your body rather than to console or excite.  Understand that not eating enough is as detrimental to your health as overeating.  Learn to plan your meals!  Most diets fail because they are impossible to maintain on a long term basis.  Incorporate fresh fruit and vegetables into every meal, avoid fried foods, and limit your intake of sugar, salt, and fat.  Also, be aware of the caloric content in beverages, as those calories can add up quickly.  Get your body moving on a daily basis and keep it moving.  Beginners start with 20 to 30 minutes per day of light cardiovascular exercise such as walking or bicycling.  Any movement is improvement.  Always hydrate before, during, and after physical activity.  Keep it moving!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Good Morning.  The following exercises work with your body weight so they can be done anywhere.  Get ready for winter sports with these simple exercises.

1. Wall Sit- with your back against a wall and your feet about 2 feet away, slide down until knees are at a 90 degree angle. Hold as long as you can, repeat 3 -5x.
Wall Sit
2.  Superman- Lie on stomach with arms and legs stretched out.  Raise arms and legs off the ground a few inches, hold for a few seconds then lower.  Also, as an option you can alternate opposite arm  and leg. Repeat 10x.

3.  Bicycle Crunch- Lie flat on floor with your low back pressed to the ground.  Place your hands besides your head, and curl up (DO NOT CLASP HANDS- this will place too much pressure on your neck!) Bring your knees to about 45 degree angle and slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion.  Touch your left elbow to your right knee, then your right knee to your left elbow, and repeat 10x.  
Bicycle Crunch

Be sure to breath and hydrate!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


 Metabolism means change or transformation.  Your metabolism is responsible for converting food and other substances into energy and other metabolic byproducts used by the body.  Metabolism is a function that allows our bodies to use food to maintain function, repair damage, heal injury, and release toxins.  Nutrition, hydration, and physical activity have a direct impact on one's metabolism.  Metabolism aids in digestive functioning, as well as, the absorption of nutrients.
  Increase your metabolism with exercise.  Exercising reduces body fat and increases lean muscle mass.  Cardiovascular exercise speeds up your metabolism for several hours after your workout.  Also, lifting weights increases lean muscle mass and muscle burns up to five times more calories than fat.  You need to eat calories to burn calories.  When you don't consume enough calories your body reacts by slowing your metabolism and storing more of the food you eat as fat, instead of using that food for energy.  Eat small frequent meals to keep your metabolism functioning efficiently.  EAT BREAKFAST!!! When you do not eat breakfast your metabolism slows down, hence it goes back to bed.  Upon waking, drink a glass of water to hydrate the body and eat something within 30 to 60 minutes.  Eating whenever you are hungry will give you more control on what and how much you eat.  Remember to hydrate, nourish, and move your body!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


What is depression?  Depression occurs when a person has an overwhelming feeling of worthlessness.  This lost or empty feeling effects sleep. mood, and appetite.  There are several contributing factors to depression such as family history, level of stress, and the strength of the immune system.  Exercise is effective in the treatment of depression in that it reduces stress, increases endorphins, and improves sleep.  In addition, exercise strengthens the heart, increases energy levels, lower blood pressures, and reduces body fat.  Signs of depression include sleep depravation or too much sleep, a shift in appetite, and an increase or decrease in physical activity.  Movement heals, it will boost self esteem, increase energy, and release stress from the body.  Walking, swimming, bicycling, and dancing are all effective in the battle against depression.  Any movement is improvement.  Keep it moving :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Healthy Food
The key to success is to make small sustainable changes in your lifestyle.  The way a person eats, how much they sleep, and how active they are play an important role in their health.  A persons diet has a major impact on their health for it contributes to weight, level of energy, and function of the body.  Begin by making some changes to your current diet.  For example, try to include more fruits and vegetables.  Increase your activity by parking farther away from your destination when running errands.  Make it a point to do 10 squats before you brush your teeth in the morning.  It is important to make changes that you can live with.  Sleep is another important factor in ones health.  When an individual is sleep deprived their reaction time is decreased, therefore increasing their chances of having an accident.  People that are tired sometimes suffer from moods swings, as well as a decrease in energy.    Get moving.  Find a activity or hobby that you enjoy that gets you moving.  Walk your dog, take a dance class, or take a hike.  Remember to hydrate!! Increase your water intake to equal 50% of your body weight in ounces.  A healthy body requires rest, proper nourishment, and activity.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Strength training helps you lose weight, promotes a healthy heart, and protects your joints and back.  Your muscles serve as shock absorbers and balancing agents, therefore, the more muscular power you have, the less strain on your joints and connective tissue when lifting or exerting.  The benefits of consistent strength training are an increase in muscle size and tone, increase in muscular strength, and increase in tendon, bone, and ligament strength.  Strength training should be completed 2 to 3 times per week.  Weight should be heavy enough to fatigue the muscle in 8 to 12 reps.  Complete 2 to 3 sets of each exercise.  In addition, to the physical benefits of strength training, lifting weights improve psychological health by increasing self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth.  Keep it moving!  Remember to hydrate! A person requires 50% of their body weight in ounces for the body to be functioning optimally.  Also, be sure to include an ample amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet.  Note, resistance bands are a good substitute for machines and free weights as they are inexpensive and portable.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Jumping rope

Physical inactivity is a major contributing factor for heart disease and stroke, as well as obesity, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, a low level of HDL cholesterol, and diabetes.  Physical activities that include aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jumping rope, jogging, bicycling, and dancing help the heart by making it work more efficiently.  To help prevent cardiovascular disease engage in regular physical activity.  An increase in physical activity will promote healthy bones, muscles, and joints.  In addition to the physical benefits, regular physical activity reduces feelings of depression and anxiety, improves mood, and promotes a sense of well-being.  By combining regular physical activity and a healthy diet individuals can reduce their risk of heart disease.  Foods that may help prevent heart disease are corn, beans, artichokes, and carrots.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Hello!  Regular exercise increases energy, stamina, and sex drive.  Sex is an act of intimacy that promotes health and well-being.    During sex the brain releases chemicals that protect the body against disease.  It also boosts the production of testosterone which leads to stronger  bones and muscles.  The five basic principles of pilates is concentration, control, centering, flow, and breath.  All components of a healthy sex life.  An increase in core strength equals an increases in the ability to hold positions for a longer period of time.  The ball transfer crunch is an excellent way to strengthen your core and enhance your sex life.  In addition to exercise, the four top foods that will increase your libido are asparagus, pumpkin seeds, halibut, and ginger.  So include these foods in your diet for maximum results!!
Ball Transfer Crunch 
1. Start by lying on your back with a stability ball held between your legs and your arms directly above your head.
2. Simultaneously raise your legs with the ball and your shoulders up towards the ceiling.
3. At the top grab the ball with your arms and return to the starting position with the ball in your hands.
4. Repeat this movement and transfer the ball back to your feet.
5. Repeat. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Triceps Dip
Good Morning!  Your triceps muscle is located on the back of your arm and is responsible for straightening your elbow.  To perform triceps dip place your hands shoulder width apart on a secured bench or chair.  Beginners should have knees bent, shoulder width apart with your ankles in alignment with your knee.  Be careful not to allow the knees to go over the toes as this can cause you to strain.  As you get stronger you will lengthen your legs out to increase intensity.  Straighten your arms, keeping a slight bend in your elbows to keep your triceps engaged and slowly bend at your elbows and lower you upper body down towards the floor until you are at 90 degree angle.  Then press firmly in to the palm of your hands, tighten your abdominal muscles and lengthen into starting position and repeat.  Please note that poor posture and repetitive movements may create dysfunction in connective tissue and possible injury.  During this exercise be sure to keep your head and neck in alignment with the body and lengthen up through the spine while engaging your core as you perform each repetition.  To stretch the triceps, place one arm overheard and position your forearm as close as possible to upper arm, then grasp elbow overhead with other arm and pull elbow back and toward head, hold stretch, and repeat with opposite arm.  Stretching and flexibility training will improve muscle imbalance, increase joint range of motion, relieve excessive tension of muscles and joint stress, and improve neuromuscular efficiency and function.  Be sure to hydrate before, during, and after your workout!!
Massage therapy will decrease muscle soreness and tension, increase circulation, and promote muscular balance in the body.