Thursday, September 9, 2010


What is depression?  Depression occurs when a person has an overwhelming feeling of worthlessness.  This lost or empty feeling effects sleep. mood, and appetite.  There are several contributing factors to depression such as family history, level of stress, and the strength of the immune system.  Exercise is effective in the treatment of depression in that it reduces stress, increases endorphins, and improves sleep.  In addition, exercise strengthens the heart, increases energy levels, lower blood pressures, and reduces body fat.  Signs of depression include sleep depravation or too much sleep, a shift in appetite, and an increase or decrease in physical activity.  Movement heals, it will boost self esteem, increase energy, and release stress from the body.  Walking, swimming, bicycling, and dancing are all effective in the battle against depression.  Any movement is improvement.  Keep it moving :)

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