Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Healthy Food
The key to success is to make small sustainable changes in your lifestyle.  The way a person eats, how much they sleep, and how active they are play an important role in their health.  A persons diet has a major impact on their health for it contributes to weight, level of energy, and function of the body.  Begin by making some changes to your current diet.  For example, try to include more fruits and vegetables.  Increase your activity by parking farther away from your destination when running errands.  Make it a point to do 10 squats before you brush your teeth in the morning.  It is important to make changes that you can live with.  Sleep is another important factor in ones health.  When an individual is sleep deprived their reaction time is decreased, therefore increasing their chances of having an accident.  People that are tired sometimes suffer from moods swings, as well as a decrease in energy.    Get moving.  Find a activity or hobby that you enjoy that gets you moving.  Walk your dog, take a dance class, or take a hike.  Remember to hydrate!! Increase your water intake to equal 50% of your body weight in ounces.  A healthy body requires rest, proper nourishment, and activity.

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