Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Triceps Dip
Good Morning!  Your triceps muscle is located on the back of your arm and is responsible for straightening your elbow.  To perform triceps dip place your hands shoulder width apart on a secured bench or chair.  Beginners should have knees bent, shoulder width apart with your ankles in alignment with your knee.  Be careful not to allow the knees to go over the toes as this can cause you to strain.  As you get stronger you will lengthen your legs out to increase intensity.  Straighten your arms, keeping a slight bend in your elbows to keep your triceps engaged and slowly bend at your elbows and lower you upper body down towards the floor until you are at 90 degree angle.  Then press firmly in to the palm of your hands, tighten your abdominal muscles and lengthen into starting position and repeat.  Please note that poor posture and repetitive movements may create dysfunction in connective tissue and possible injury.  During this exercise be sure to keep your head and neck in alignment with the body and lengthen up through the spine while engaging your core as you perform each repetition.  To stretch the triceps, place one arm overheard and position your forearm as close as possible to upper arm, then grasp elbow overhead with other arm and pull elbow back and toward head, hold stretch, and repeat with opposite arm.  Stretching and flexibility training will improve muscle imbalance, increase joint range of motion, relieve excessive tension of muscles and joint stress, and improve neuromuscular efficiency and function.  Be sure to hydrate before, during, and after your workout!!
Massage therapy will decrease muscle soreness and tension, increase circulation, and promote muscular balance in the body.

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