Tuesday, September 28, 2010


High blood pressure raises the risk for heart attack, stroke, eye problems, and kidney disease.  Also, when a person has high blood pressure and diabetes it doubles their risk for developing cardiovascular disease.  Weight control, physical activity, and nutrition have a large impact on blood pressure.  Studies show that coffee may combat high blood pressure because it improves blood vessel elasticity.  Things that affect blood vessel elasticity are blood pressure, age, gender, smoking, physical activity, body weight, nutritional habits and diabetes.  When a physician detect high blood pressure they normally prescribed an anti-hypertension medication to help control blood pressure.  However, they are risks and side effects associated with taking these types of medication such as dry cough, lightheadedness, dizziness, rash reduced appetite, increase in blood potassium, and can change the flavor of foods.  Therefore, before medication is an option speak to your doctor about changing your diet and adding exercise as a way to combat blood pressure.  The effects of  a healthy diet and exercise regimen are a decrease in blood pressure, decrease in risk for cardiovascular disease, decrease in stress hormones, increase in energy, weight loss, and an increase in mental focus.  Movement heals, so get moving!!  Begin with a light walk for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.  If you are unable to do 30 minutes in one session, break it up into three 10 minute sessions.  If a busy schedule is the problem, learn to incorporate exercise in your daily routine by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking father away so that you need to walk to your destination, and take the long way to the bathroom.  Even these small changes will have a positive effect on your health.  
take the stairs!

Also, massage therapy is effective in decreasing blood pressure, so book a massage today!  

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