Monday, September 13, 2010


 Metabolism means change or transformation.  Your metabolism is responsible for converting food and other substances into energy and other metabolic byproducts used by the body.  Metabolism is a function that allows our bodies to use food to maintain function, repair damage, heal injury, and release toxins.  Nutrition, hydration, and physical activity have a direct impact on one's metabolism.  Metabolism aids in digestive functioning, as well as, the absorption of nutrients.
  Increase your metabolism with exercise.  Exercising reduces body fat and increases lean muscle mass.  Cardiovascular exercise speeds up your metabolism for several hours after your workout.  Also, lifting weights increases lean muscle mass and muscle burns up to five times more calories than fat.  You need to eat calories to burn calories.  When you don't consume enough calories your body reacts by slowing your metabolism and storing more of the food you eat as fat, instead of using that food for energy.  Eat small frequent meals to keep your metabolism functioning efficiently.  EAT BREAKFAST!!! When you do not eat breakfast your metabolism slows down, hence it goes back to bed.  Upon waking, drink a glass of water to hydrate the body and eat something within 30 to 60 minutes.  Eating whenever you are hungry will give you more control on what and how much you eat.  Remember to hydrate, nourish, and move your body!!!

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